FMI Related Publications
ASAM International Conference 2024
- The functional mock-up interface (FMI), layered standards and ASAM standards - Enabling seamless SiL simulation of V-ECUs (Slides)(Video)
Colloquium for Martin Otter June 28 2024 - 25 years chairing the Modelica Association
15th International Modelica Conference 2023
- FMI Beginners Tutorial (Material)
- Simulation-based optimization with CasADi and FMI (Material)
- eFMI Tutorial (Material and Video)
FMI User meeting (Agenda):
- Status and outlook FMI Standard
- Status and outlook SSP Standard
- Building Blocks for Simulation based Cooperation between Partners
- Linking Design Requirements to FMUs to create LOTAR compliant mBSE models
- Status and Outlook eFMI Standard
FMI related conference papers (Proceedings):
- Modelica Association Standards and Surrogate Modeling to Enable Multi-Fidelity Simulations
- Paving the way for Hybrid Twins using Neural Functional Mock-Up Units
- ThermalSystemsControlLibrary: A Modelica Library for Developing Control Strategies of Industrial Energy Systems
- Import and Export of Functional Mockup Units in CasADi
- Beyond FMI - Towards New Applications with Layered Standards
- The Common Requirement Modeling Language
- Bodylight.js 2.0 - Web components for FMU simulation, visualisation and animation in standard web browser
- A preCICE-FMI Runner to Couple FMUs to PDE-Based Simulations
- Secure Exchange of Black-Box Simulation Models using FMI in the Industrial Context
- 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling Modelica Models for Prosumer Interaction Analysis
14th International Modelica Conference 2021
FMI User meeting (Agenda):
- Initial Steps in Deploying and Calibrating Power System Models on a Synchrophasor Data Cloud Platform using FMI (Video)
- FMI-based simulation workflows based on open source and commercial tools (Video)
- Open Simulation Platform - Towards a maritime ecosystem for efficient co-simulation (Video)
- FMI3 development (status, roadmap, layered standards) (Video)
- Demo of FMI3 support in tool prototypes (Video)
- Use of SSP, FMI and OSI for Simulation-based Testing of an Automated Vehicle (Video)
- Model-based development of a traction control unit with SSP and FMI (Video)
- SSP Traceability Demonstrator (Video)
- Status and Outlook DCP Standard (Video)
- Status and Outlook eFMI Standard (Video)
FMI related conference papers:
- The Functional Mock-up Interface 3.0 - New Features Enabling New Applications (Video) (Slides)
- The FMI 3.0 Standard Interface for Clocked and Scheduled Simulations (Video)
- Engineering Domain Interoperability Using the System Structure and Parameterization (SSP) Standard (Video)
- Modelica, FMI and SSP for LOTAR of Analytical mBSE models: First Implementation and Feedback (Video)
- eFMI: An open standard for physical models in embedded software (Video)
- The Potential of FMI for the Development of Digital Twins for Large Modular Multi-Domain Systems
- Seismic Hybrid Testing using FMI-based Co-Simulation
- NeuralFMU: Towards Structural Integration of FMUs into Neural Networks (Video)
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Car Shock Absorber Through a Functional Mock-up Units-Based Modelling Strategy
- Software Architecture and Implementation of Modelica Buildings Library Coupling for Spawn of EnergyPlus
- A Cloud-native Implementation of the Simulation as a Service-Concept Based on FMI (Video)
- A Graph-Based Meta-Data Model for DevOps in Simulation-Driven Development and Generation of DCP Configurations
- Portable runtime environments for Python-based FMUs: Adding Docker support to UniFMU
- A Portable and Secure Package Format for Executable Simulation Modules based on WebAssembly
- Parallel Fast: An Efficient Coupling Approach for Co-Simulation with Different Coupling Step Sizes (Video)
- Accurate Robot Simulation for Industrial Manufacturing Processes using FMI and DCP Standards (Video)
- Optimizing life-cycle costs for pumps and powertrains using FMI co-simulation (Video)
- Composing Modeling and Simulation with Machine Learning in Julia (Video)
Asian Modelica Conference 2020
- Introducing the Virtual Systems Interface for Dynamic Coupling of Continuous Time Systems with Discontinuities
- Collaborative Development and Simulation of an Aircraft Hydraulic Actuator Model
- A Protocol-Based Verification Approach for Standard-Compliant Distributed Co-Simulation
2nd American Modelica Conference 2020
- Hierarchical Multi-Level Electric Power System Simulation withSmart Photovoltaic Systems using the Functional Mock-upInterface on the Lawrencium Computing Cluster
- Parameter Estimation of User-Defined Control System Models for Itaipú Power Plant using Modelica and OpenIPSL
- Application of Model-Based Testing to Dynamic Conformance Evaluation of Functional Mockup Units
- Traceability in the Model-based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Parameter Estimation Methods for Fault Diagnosis using Modelica and FMI
- Nonlinear State Estimation with FMI: Tutorial and Applications
13th International Modelica Conference 2019
FMI User meeting (Agenda):
- Overview of the FMI, DCP and SSP standards
- Usage of FMI at Bosch - status and outlook
- Co-Simulation scenarios in industrial production plants
- Enhancing the Model Integration Workflow in Aircraft System Simulation using FMI & SSP
FMI related conference papers:
- OMSimulator - Integrated FMI and TLM-based Co-simulation with Composite Model Editing and SSP
- FMU-proxy: A Framework for Distributed Access to Functional Mock-up Units
- Standardized Integration of Real-Time and Non-Real-Time Systems: The Distributed Co-Simulation Protocol
- Non Linear Dimension Reduction of Dynamic Model Outputs
- Relative Consistency and Robust Stability Measures for Sequential Co-simulatio
- Energy balance based Verification for Model Based Development
- A virtual test-bed for building Model Predictive Control developments
- BIM2Modelica - An open source toolchain for generating and simulating thermal multi-zone building models by using structured data from BIM models
- Dynamic Simulation of Residential Buildings Supporting the Development of Flexible Control in District Heating Systems
- An Extended Luenberger Observer for HVAC Application using FMI
- Model visualization for e-learning, Kidney simulator for medical students
- Enhanced Motion Control of a Self-Driving Vehicle Using Modelica, FMI and ROS
- Adaptive Step Size Control for Hybrid CT Simulation without Rollback
- Co-Simulation Through Exchange of Time-Series Data Applied to an Energy System Model and Detailed Ground Heat Exchanger Model
- The WaterHub Modules: Material and Energy Flow Analysis of Domestic Hot Water Systems
- OMJulia: An OpenModelica API for Julia-Modelica Interaction
- Integration and Analysis of EPAS and Chassis System in FMI-based co-simulation
- Hierarchical Coupling Approach Utilizing Multi-Objective Optimization for Non-Iterative Co-Simulation
American Modelica Conference 2018
FMI related conference papers (link to proceedings):
- ModestPy: An Open-Source Python Tool for Parameter Estimation in Functional Mock-up Units
- A Safe Regression Test Selection Technique for Modelica
- Functional Mockup Interface: An Empirical Survey Identifies Research Challenges and Current Barriers
- A Method to Import FMU to Hardware Description Language
- The OpenModelica Integrated Modeling, Simulation and Optimization Environment
Japanese Modelica Conference 2018
Keynote: 10 Years of FMI: Where are we now, where do we go?
FMI related conference papers (link to proceedings):
- Combustion Engine Mechanism Analyses Using Simulation
- Hyundai framework for vehicle dynamics engineering based on Modelica and FMI
- Automated Test of CVT Control Software, using FMI and Modelica Model
- Gas Compressor System Simulation using Functional Mockup Interface for Human Machine Interface and Control
- Application for Optimization of Control Parameters for Multi-body and Hydraulics System by using FMU
- Toward the actual model exchange using FMI in practical use cases in Japanese automotive industry
- Managing Heterogeneous Simulations Using Architecture-Driven Design
- Simulation of high-index DAEs and ODEs with constraints in FMI
- Generating FMUs for the Feature-Based Language Bloqqi
- A Web Architecture for Modeling and Simulation
- Multibody simulation and control of kinematic systems with FMI/FMU
12th International Modelica Conference 2017
FMI User meeting (Agenda):
- Overview of FMI Project
- FMI is great but not magic
- Requirements for using FMI/ SSP for Development of Autonomous Driving
- Verification of model connection by FMI using acausalmodeling tools
- ROboMObil HIL Simulator using FMI technology
- The INTO-CPS Co-Simulation Orchestration Engine –Experiences with FMI 2.0 and proposed extensions
- ACOSAR –Advanced Co-Simulation Open System Architecture
- MA-Project System Structure and Parameterization – Current Status and Plans
FMI related conference papers:
- Improving Interoperability of FMI-supporting Tools with Reference FMUs
- The Embedded Simulation via FMI and its Application to the Simulation of Lifetime Tests Including Wear
- Integration Modelica with Digital Mockup Tool using the FMI
- FMI Go! A simulation runtime environment with a client server architecture over multiple protocols
- Building Parallel FMUs (or Matryoshka Co-Simulations)
- Scaling FMI-CS Based Multi-Simulation Beyond Thousand FMUs on Infiniband Cluster
- Development of an open source multi-platform software tool for parameter estimation studies in FMI models
- Co-Simulation between detailed building energy performance simulation and Modelica HVAC component models
- Aspects of FMI in Building Simulation
- Application of Richardson Extrapolation to the Co-Simulation of FMUs from Building Simulation
- From system model to optimal control - A tool chain for the efficient solution of optimal control problems
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Thermal Management System for Electrified Vehicles using FMI
- Towards Virtual Validation of ECU Software using FMI
- Parameter Estimation based on FMI
- Generic FMI-compliant Simulation Tool Coupling
- FMI and IP protection of models: A survey of use cases and support in the standard
- Model-based virtual sensors by means of Modelica and FMI
- Towards Adjoint and Directional Derivatives in FMI utilizing ADOL-C within OpenModelica
- Discrete-time models for control applications with FMI
- Towards Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: Modelica and FMI based Online Parameter Identification of the Cardiovascular System
- Virtual flight testing of a controller for gust load alleviation using FMI for cosimulation
11th International Modelica Conference 2015
Other FMI related conference papers:
- Experience with Industrial In-House Application of FMI
- A Novel Proposal on how to Parameterize Models in Dymola Utilizing External Files under Consideration of a Subsequent Model Export using the Functional Mock-Up Interface
- Design Choices for Thermofluid Flow Components and Systems that are Exported as Functional Mockup Units
- FMI for Physical Models on Automotive Embedded Targets
- Co-Simulation of Hybrid Systems with SpaceEx and Uppaal
- Automated Deployment of Modelica Models in Excel via Functional Mockup Interface and Integration with modeFRONTIER
- An Open-Source Graphical Composite Modeling Editor and Simulation Tool Based on FMI and TLM Co-Simulation
- The Modelica Language and the FMI Standard for Modeling and Simulation of Smart Grids
- Initiatives for Acausal Model Connection using FMI in JSAE (Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan)
- Using FMI in a Cloud-based Web Application for System Simulation
- Test of Basic Co-Simulation Algorithms Using FMI
- Tools Coupling Model Exchange FMUs for Aggregated Simulation by Open Source Tools
10th International Modelica Conference 2014
Tutorial: Functional Mockup Interface 2.0 and HiL Applications (16 presentations from FMI design group members, OEMs, suppliers, and tool vendors)
Other FMI related conference papers:
- The Functional Mockup Interface - seen from an industrial perspective
- An FMI-Based Tool for Robust Design of Dynamical Systems
- Simulating Rhapsody SysML Blocks in Hybrid Models with FMI
- Nonlinear State Estimation with an Extended FMI 2.0 Co-Simulation Interface
- Implementing stabilized co-simulation of strongly coupled systems using the Functional Mock-up Interface 2.0
- Context-based polynomial extrapolation and slackened synchronization for fast multi-core simulation using FMI
- Model-Based Integration Platform for FMI Co-Simulation and Heterogeneous Simulations of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Adapting Functional Mockup Units for HLA-compliant Distributed Simulation
- Coupling occupant behaviour with a building energy model - A FMI application
- Significant Reduction of Validation Efforts for Dynamic Light Functions with FMI for Multi-Domain Integration and Test Platform
- Virtual Integration for hybrid powertrain development, using FMI and Modelica models
- An FMI-based Framework for State and Parameter Estimation
- Extending JGrafchart with Support for FMI for Co-Simulation
- Consistent Simulation Environment with FMI based Tool Chain
9th International Modelica Conference 2012
- Functional Mock-up Interface 2.0: The Standard for Tool independent Exchange of Simulation Models
- Generation of Sparse Jacobians for the Function Mock-Up Interface 2.0
- Designing models for online use with Modelica and FMI
- Co-simulation with communication step size control in an FMI compatible master algorithm
- FMI implementation in LMS Virtual.Lab Motion and application to a vehicle dynamics case
- Generating Functional Mock-up Units from Software Specifications
- Functional Mock-up Interface in Mechatronic Gearshift Simulation for Commercial Vehicles
- Using Functional Mock-up Units for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
- Integration of Modelica models into an existing simulation software using FMI for Co-Simulation
- FMI Add-on for NI VeriStand for HiL Simulation
EOOLT 2011
8th International Modelica Conference 2011
- The Functional Mock-up Interface for Tool independent Exchange of Simulation Models (PPT, PDF )
- Master for Co-Simulation Using FMI
- Import and Export of Functional Mock-up Units in
- Implementation of MODELISAR Functional Mock-up Interfaces in SimulationX
- Using the Functional Mock-up Interface as an Intermediate Format in AUTOSAR Software Component Development
- Combining Advantages of Specialized Simulation Tools and Modelica Models using Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI)
- Experiences with the new FMI Standard Selected Applications at Dresden University
- Nonlinear Observers based on the Functional Mock-up Interface with Applications to Electric Vehicles